Thursday, June 26, 2008

Change of Plans

Prov 16:9 In his heart a man plans his course,
but the LORD determines his steps.

I was talking to a local pastor who is struggling a little with how we are to let God 'build the house' and the role we play in strategizing and planning. I think I have a better answer for that than I ever have. I have been much that way in the past... a problem solver... feeling like I had to fix everything and pursue a well defined plan in order to build a church. But the truth is that I was rarely as successful as I expected to be... falling short each time of the vision God had given me. And yet feeling like we were off course if the plans got changed.

It is becoming clear to me that we are to plan and strategize everything in our power... and then pray and expect God to intervene and change our plans. To celebrate him changing them. Because if he doesn't change them we are simply limited to the best we can figure out and accomplish on our own...and I have already proven that the best I can accomplish will still have limited impact. But if he does change my plans then we are beginning to function at a supernatural level and have superceded our own abilities and talents.

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