Wednesday, June 10, 2009

South Bay Vineyard Vision

The fact is that most of us feel to some extent that there is a disconnect between the Christian church as we know it and the Jesus that the Bible portrays. While there are certainly some excellent churches there are still relatively few that are willing to get their hands dirty demonstrating the compassion of Jesus to hurting people. Far too many are using Christ's name to condemn or bring judgment rather than the mercy and forgiveness that His teachings proclaim. Or they speak of a powerful God yet they live a life that demonstrates no expectation of supernatural intervention.

I want South Bay Vineyard to be different. I want it to be a church that has in its DNA not only the desire but the expectation to see God demonstrate his power and glory through every member. That sees selfless service to those in their community as its greatest measure of success. That reaches out to every person and accepts them where they are. That dispenses grace and mercy in such abundance that the religious gatekeepers are offended. And God is going to use people like you and I to build that type of church! He so loves the people of the South Bay area that he has orchestrated people and events to bring them together for this time and purpose. There are people from all over the country that are being assembled here to bring this vision to reality. This is the cause we are committed to and it just may be part of the destiny God has put inside of you!


“Courage is not limited to the battlefield. The real tests of courage are much quieter. They are the inner tests, like enduring pain when the room is empty or standing alone when you’re misunderstood.”
– Charles Swindoll